Welcome to the Nuix Collector Suite User Guide.
About Nuix Collector Suite
Nuix Collector Suite is a set of powerful tools for collecting data for compliance, eDiscovery, archiving and other purposes. Several licenses are available which enable various Nuix Collector Suite capabilities.
Key benefits of Nuix Collector Suite
Collect files from local drives (including open files), network shares, SharePoint servers and from various evidence repositories*.
Collect files from Windows, Linux and macOS computers*.
Automatically filter out unwanted files from your collections, such as known OS files, known application files and duplicate files.
Employ full-text search to identify the files you wish to collect. Identify and collect files containing specific names, patterns such as social security numbers, or other search terms, for investigations, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance or other scenarios.
Save collected files in a forensically-defensible state, with full hashing, logging and reporting.
Save collected files as a set of native files or as a Nuix FileSafe evidence container.
Save collected files and logs to a local folder, network share or Amazon S3 bucket.
Minimize system down time and streamline evidence collection for organizations during early case assessment and litigation response.
Securely delete or move files and sub-folders from local volumes and from network shares*.
Collect the contents of RAM and volatile information, which can aid security incident response scenarios.
Collect full disk images*.
*Linux and macOS file collection requires a Portable Collection license. Extracting data from full disk images requires licenses to third-party software. The secure deletion/move feature requires a Network Collection or Portable Collection license. Collecting disk images requires a Portable Collection license. For details, see topic Licensing Requirements.
Enterprise collections
Larger data collection projects often require scheduling, scaling and monitoring features which exceed Nuix Collector Suite's capabilities.
Nuix Enterprise Collection Center is an advanced collection system for performing file collections and other collection activities throughout your enterprise. Nuix Enterprise Collection Center builds on the capabilities of Nuix Collector Suite, adding management, scheduling, scaling and processing features needed in medium-to-large organizations. Contact your Nuix representative, or visit the Nuix Enterprise Collection Center web page for details.
About this guide
This User Guide provides installation instructions, as well as instruction and reference information for using the Nuix Collector Suite programs, including Nuix Collector and Nuix Collector Evidence Browser.
The instructions in this guide assume that you are familiar with the technical and legal aspects of data collection and preservation.
Intended audience
This guide is intended for end-users who will run Nuix Collector Suite programs to perform file collections, extractions, surveys, volatile information collections and other kinds of collection-related jobs. Administrators responsible for installing Nuix Collector Suite will also find this guide helpful.
Additional information
For terminology specific to file and disk collections, refer to the Appendix A: Glossary in this guide.
For details regarding Nuix Collector JobFile structure and contents, refer to the Nuix Collector & ECC JobFile Reference.
Nuix Enterprise Collection Center™, Collection Center™, Nuix Collector™, Nuix Workstation™, Nuix Director™, and Nuix Adaptive Security™ are trademarks of Nuix Ltd.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Update and SharePoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Pentium™ and Core2 Duo™ are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Azul Systems, Azul Zulu, and the Azul logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Azul Systems, Inc.
Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Regarding scripts and web links
This document contains various scripts, which may not be suitable for your organization's particular computers and systems. Review and test any script in an isolated test environment before running in your production environment.
This document contains links to web articles and procedures. The content of these web articles and procedures may not be suitable for your organization's particular computers and systems. The content of these web-based documents may change after publication of this Guide. Be sure your computer is protected by a current resident antivirus scanner before accessing any web link. Review all such references with care. Test any procedures in an isolated test environment, before performing procedures on your production systems.