UI Extension SDK

The user interface extensions (UI extensions) feature allows application administrators and service providers to extend the functionality of the application by embedding third-party web applications directly into the application interface. A third-party web application that loads within the application is called a UI extension.

The UI Extension SDK provides an API that UI extensions can use to communicate with the application. The UI Extension SDK also includes steps to build and configure an extension, reference documentation, and an example extension. To get access to the UI Extension SDK, contact Discover.Sales@Nuix.com.

About UI extensions

The UI extensions that you integrate with the application depend on the needs of your users. For example, you can add extensions that address client-specific custom workflows, or that connect functionality in the application with functionality in other applications, or that generate revenue for your firm by providing value-added services for your clients.

UI extensions load as iframes, and interact with application data through the Connect API Explorer. For more information about the Connect API Explorer, see About the Connect API Explorer.

You can add UI extensions as new pages on the Case Home page, and as workspace panes on the Documents page. Some example extensions include:

On the Case Home page:

An automated job scheduling and notification tool for case administrators

An analysis tool to perform usage and status reporting

A custom application that synchronizes document sets with third-party software

As workspace panes on the Documents page:

A machine language translation tool for reviewing documents in foreign languages

Audio and video review tools for multimedia documents

Native redaction tools

Review tools for custom format documents, such as chat room messages, technical drawings, or system logs

A custom application that sends documents to other systems for external processing

Install UI extensions in Nuix Discover

To make it easier to install a UI extension in the application, you can define the settings for the extension in a manifest file. An administrator can upload the manifest file to the application instead of manually installing the extension.

Optionally, you can use a manifest file to define custom fields and case statistics that are available to the extension. For example, an extension can use custom statistics to track client billing data.

For information about how to structure a manifest file, contact Discover.Sales@Nuix.com.

For information about how to install a UI extension in the application, see Administer UI extensions.

Example UI extension

The UI Extension SDK includes an example application that demonstrates how to build a UI extension.

To get access to the example application, including sample data, contact Discover.Sales@Nuix.com.

The example extension displays an interactive graph that shows the distribution of coding values for a selected field among the current search results. Clicking on part of the graph selects the documents in the search results that are coded with that value. The extension appears as a new workspace pane on the Documents page. The extension includes a toolbar with standard application controls that allow users to select the graph type and the coding field to display. The extension also includes logic to reload the graph when a user changes the selected field, opens a new results set, or clicks a Reload button.

The sample application demonstrates how to do the following tasks:

Set up and construct an application that you want to use as a UI extension

Initialize the UI Extension SDK

Return data from the application by querying the Connect API Explorer

Create standard controls in the application UI for users to interact with the extension

Respond to user actions in the application

Manipulate the Browse selection state in the application