Configure offline maps (Nuix Investigate)
Nuix Investigate supports the mbtiles maps format for offline maps. Follow OpenMapTiles documentation for instructions on how to set up your server.
See below for an example of how it can be configured.
Note: If Nuix Investigate is secure via TSL (HTTPS), the offline map server must also be secure. If Nuix Investigate is not secure (HTTP), the offline map server can be either secure or not secure.
Download maps
To download the maptiler:
Open maptiler and filter on a region to download a smaller subset.
Download a Node.js server for Windows. Select to install all additional tools automatically.
Note: Nuix recommends downloading from
Install tile server
To install the tile server:
When Node.js is running, go to the command prompt, PowerShell as admin, and go to:
C:\Program Files\nodejs\
Enter the following to install the tile server and all its dependencies:
npm install -g tileserver-gl-light
Note: If the tile server install failed once already, use –force to overwrite a partial install.
This server can then be moved offline by changing the directory:
cd %appdata%\npm
Create a config.json
To create a config.json file:
Use the template below and edit the following lines to your needs.
"mbtiles": "C:/maps"
"mbtiles": "world.mbtiles"
Copy the new config.json into the following location: