Nuix Investigate v100.10.0

This topic highlights the updates implemented in Nuix Investigate for this release.

Nuix Engine

Nuix Investigate has been updated to use version 100.10.0 of the Nuix Engine. Details about what is included with this update can be found in the Nuix Engine changelog.

Elasticsearch Version 8.13.2S

Nuix Neo v100.10.0 has been updated to support Elasticsearch v8.13.2. To use existing Elasticsearch-based Nuix cases, your Elasticsearch cluster must first be upgraded from v7.16.x to v8.13.2.
Refer to the Elasticsearch Reference [8.13] documentation for details on performing this upgrade.

Note: Nuix Neo v100.10.0 is not compatible with previous versions of Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch-based cases cannot be opened and will not be displayed on the Cases page of Nuix Investigate until the Elasticsearch cluster is updated to version 8.13.2.

Deprecation of Custom Workflows

The Nuix Investigate Workflows feature will be deprecated in the next release of Nuix Investigate, Nuix Neo v1.5. The features and capabilities provided by this feature are available in Nuix Rampiva.


Localization of the Nuix Investigate application has been expanded in this release to now include support for the following languages:


French (New)


Italian (New)


Spanish (New)

General enhancements

Installations of Nuix Investigate v9.10.x can now be upgraded directly to the latest version of Nuix Neo using the MariaDB to PostgreSQL migration path outlined in the Nuix Neo Upgrade Guide.

The version of Keylines used by Nuix Investigate has been updated to version 7.4.

The Item Metadata pane has been updated to now display all metadata fields included in the applied profile, including fields that contain no data.

When a custom search filter or saved search that specifies a specific metadata profile is run, the profile applied within the Item Metadata pane is now updated to the new profile automatically.

The version of Keycloak used by Nuix Neo has been updated to version 23.0.7 to address security vulnerabilities.

The Item Details Drawer now supports the ability to open and view up to three panels side by side.

The Default Preview pane now closes when it is opened in a new window. Selecting the Default Preview icon while in this state will bring the window to the front. Closing the window will revert the pane to its normal functionality.

The Default Preview and Item Metadata panes when opened side by side are now auto-responsive when being resized and will adjust if one of the panes is expanded.

Support for applying redaction's to Chat Conversations, Chat Messages, and Text Files is now available within the Review view.

Resolved issues

Multiple persons can now be selected using the CTRL key within the Investigate Connections tab.

Double-clicking on a new person in the Investigate Connections tab properly opens the person details window.

Error handling has been improved to prevent sensitive data from being returned when certain application errors occur.

Error messaging has been added to prevent unsupported queries from being run.

To resolve inconsistencies that exist between browsers, time zone selection is now provided through the Nuix Engine and no longer relies on the time zones supported by the browser being used.

The text formatting used to display Nuix NLP Risks has been updated so that the formatting is consistent across the application.

The Manage Default Metadata Profile Search Settings user privilege has been restored, allowing users to customize and share the width and order of columns that are displayed within the Grid view for a particular metadata profile.

An issue has been resolved in the Investigate Connections workspace that prevented the Resolve Conflict feature from working within the People Management view.

Within the Nuix Configuration Utility, clicking Save Configuration after modifying a value then immediately reverting it back no longer generates a configuration error.

Selecting to migrate a case on the Case Listing page that is located beyond the first page of cases no longer redirects the user back to the first page of cases.

The ability to apply tags to items using a hotkey now functions as expected.

An issue has been resolved with the provided Python Cluster Topic Generation Workflow that caused it to error.

The Scoping Query field included in a generated Analytic report is no longer left blank when the user performs a search for all items (*).

An issue has been resolved that prevented cases from being able to play multimedia files within the Chat Preview tab, even when item binaries are stored.

Closing a case while the Named Entities Dashboard analytic is loading no longer causes excessive logging to occur.

Known issues


When a user's token within the Security Management > User Security view is modified but not saved, navigating away from the view no longer prompts the user to save before exiting.

Workaround: Save all values before exiting the User Security view to prevent data loss.

Auto-save can cause issues in Config Utility for Chrome and Firefox.

Workaround: Do not use auto-save in Config Utility.

If the date range or date trending analytic window is opened and then closed before the app completely downloads to the new window, date range or date trending analytics will show in the dashboard as being locked.

Workaround: If the user accidentally opens the window, let it load until they see the progress bar and then it is safe to close. If the window is closed before it finishes loading, try to unlock the analytic in the dashboard. If that doesn't work, either reload the page or open the analytic again in a new tab, let it finish loading, and then close it.

If a user's session expires with Nuix Investigate while actively logged in and using UMS, the user can continue to remain active within UMS despite the expired session. The user's session will eventually be terminated once the timeout period for idle cases is reached (approximately 10 minutes).

Workaround: To end the user's session, they must either wait until the timeout period for idle cases is reached and ends their session automatically or they can login to Nuix Investigate, and then log out to manually end all sessions associated with their account, including the hung UMS session.

If a script is executed via a workflow that updates tags, folders, or secured fields, the pane will not immediately reflect the update from the script.

Workaround: Opening the tag management modal fetches the tags.

If a metadata profile is updated or deleted on the server while a case is open, any search that is performed using the specified metadata profile will initially fail.

Workaround: After the initial failure, the list of metadata profiles known to Nuix Investigate will refresh. Rerun the initial search to return results.

The View PDF function is unavailable for certain items. This generally indicates that the Printed Image processing option was not selected during ingestion.

Workaround: Export the printed image store for affected items using Nuix Workstation, or select the Populate PDF Stores option on the Review tab within the template editor in Nuix Directory and reprocess the evidence.

The Timeline analytic, when open in a new window, appears blank and unresponsive if the search is reset and a new query is performed.

Workaround: Close and reopen the analytic.

The Timeline analytic, when viewed in the Dashboard View, does not auto-update when the item selection changes within the Grid or Review Views.

Workaround: Open the Timeline analytic as a new window for proper functionality.

Cases that include a 90 level deep nested tag cannot be opened in Firefox version 46 or above.

Refreshing the page after navigating to an App Management page from a case will cause the case breadcrumb link to disappear.


Linux headless installation with no var file provided causes an error.

Workaround: Provide a var file while installing.

On upgrade from a Nuix Investigate version where MariaDB was previously configured, the MariaDB connection prompt is displayed. This happens when upgrading from and may happen when upgrading from other versions.

Workaround: If a user enters the same valid MariaDB credentials from previous install, the upgrade will proceed.

If upgrading from a version earlier than 7.8, the Java Options defined within the Configuration Tool for the Inventory Management service will not persist after the upgrade.

Workaround: Ensure any custom settings are backed up before performing the upgrade.


Applying Recipient Type filters from the Custom Filter Panel in the Canvas view returns incorrect counts for Hidden Relationships.