+Connect Nuix Rampiva

Use the steps in this section to connect Nuix Rampiva to other installed Nuix Neo applications operating behind the Nuix Gateway.

Before you begin:

Nuix Rampiva must be installed.

Nuix Rampiva must be configured to use the same Nuix Keycloak realm as other Nuix Neo applications.

To connect Nuix Rampiva

Navigate to the following Nuix Gateway installation directory.

Default: <root-installation-directory>\Nuix\Nuix-Gateway\config\

Locate and open the application-routes.yaml file.

Add the following route for Nuix Rampiva, updating the following properties with your URLs:

uri: The URL of your installed Nuix Rampiva instance.

X-Forwarded-Base-Uri: The hostname defined for Nuix Gateway.

- id: rampiva_rewrite_route


- Path=/rampiva/**

uri: http://rampiva-scheduler

order: 10098


- DedupeResponseHeader=Access-Control-Allow-Origin Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, RETAIN_FIRST

- TokenRelay

- StripPrefix=1

- AddRequestHeader=X-Forwarded-Base-Uri,

Save and exit the properties file.

Restart all installed Nuix Neo services. See Service status for instructions on performing this task within the Nuix Configuration Utility.

Once all services are restarted, Nuix Rampiva will be operating being the Nuix Gateway and the application selector menu within all Nuix Neo applications will update to include a link for Nuix Rampiva.