Install Nuix Neo on Windows

The following components can be installed using the Nuix Neo web applications installer:

Nuix Investigate: Allows web-based access to Nuix cases. Designed specifically for forensic investigators and subject matter experts, it provides the tools to help search, analyze, and tag case data, all from the web.

Nuix Gateway: Provides external access to Nuix services. All Nuix services operate behind the Gateway.

Nuix Registration: Monitors the status of all installed Nuix Neo services.

Derby Control: Provides shared access to Lucerne/Derby based cases.

Nuix Configuration Utility: Administrative interface for configuring and managing application properties.

By default, the wizard installs all required components together on the same host. However, if your environment requires a different configuration, components can be installed separately on different hosts. Additional information about this type of configuration is included in the following procedure.

Before you begin

Ensure that all Nuix Neo shared services are installed and configured before proceeding.

To install Nuix Neo:

Download the archive from the Nuix Customer Portal.

Browse to the download location and extract the contents of the ZIP archive.

Double click on the Nuix-Web-Applications_windows-x64.exe file to begin the installation.

From the Language Selection window, choose a Language and click OK.

Read and understand the terms included in the Nuix End User License Agreement (EULA). Scroll to the bottom of the EULA, select I accept the agreement, and click Next to continue.

On the Welcome screen, click Next to start the installation wizard.

If performing a new installation, choose a destination directory to install Nuix Neo.

Click Next to accept the default location and proceed.

Alternatively, click Browse to choose a specific location to install Nuix Neo.

Note: This step is skipped if performing an upgrade.

On the Select Components screen, choose which of the following components to install and then click Next.

Nuix Gateway

Nuix Investigate

Nuix Registration

Nuix Derby Control

Nuix Configuration Utility

Apart from the Nuix Investigate application, the installer selects all other components that are required to run Nuix Neo on a single host.

Note: If the installer detects a previously installed version of any of the required components during an installation, the option to select or deselect those components is disabled by default, and they will be upgraded automatically to the version included with the installer.

Note: To install components on separate hosts, run the installer on each host with only those components selected. All components must be installed and manually configured using the Nuix Configuration tool prior to starting Nuix Neo.

Keycloak connection information

To allow Nuix components to auto start after installation, enter the following connection details for your installed Nuix Keycloak service:

Keycloak Realm URL: The URL of your configured Nuix realm.
‎For example: https://<host>:<port>/realms/nuix

Client Secret: Enter the secret that was previously saved while Importing Nuix client files.

Click Test Keycloak connection to verify that the URL is valid and accessible, then click Next.

If validation fails, it may be for one of the following reasons:



The Keycloak URL is not valid. Try again.

The Keycloak URL is malformed. Ensure that the URL is properly formatted:

The Keycloak URL is not valid. Try again. Connection refused connect.

The Keycloak service is not running. Restart Keycloak and try again.

The Keycloak URL is not valid. Try again. PKIX path building failed. Unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

The certificate used to secure the Keycloak service is derived from an unknown trusted root certificate or the certificate cannot be located within the installers Java keystore

Secure Keycloak with a valid certificate that is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

See also adding a certificate to Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


Cloud config setup

If the Nuix Configuration Utility component was selected for installation, the Cloud Config Setup screen is displayed. Specify an internal IP/Host address and Port for where this service will be accessed.

The default IP and port for Cloud config is

Note: For High Availability (HA) installations, the address that is specified must be accessible from all hosts included in the cluster.

If the Nuix Configuration Utility was not selected, you will instead be prompted to enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) where the Nuix Configuration Utility is already hosted.

Click Next.

On the Set encrypt key screen, enter an Encrypt key into the text box or leave the field blank to have a key auto generated.

Note: If you already have an encryption key configured in the proper location, this step is skipped.

For Windows, an environment variable named NUIX_CONFIG_ENCRYPT_KEY is created.

To view this environment variable, go to System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables.

Note: If the encryption key variable is changed from a global variable to a user variable, restart the service as a user to allow the Nuix Configuration Utility to run.

Note: If multiple instances of the Nuix-Config service are installed in an environment, the same encrypt key must be used for all instances.

Click Next

Registration setup

On the Configure Registration URL screen, enter a URL where the Registration service is hosted.

Note: For High Availability (HA) installations, the address that is specified must be accessible from all hosts included in the cluster.

Click Next begin the installation of the common components.

Click Finish to exit the Nuix-Web-Applications setup wizard.

Based on which components were selected, the following Nuix services are now installed:








To verify that all services are running:

Click the Windows Start button then begin typing Services.

Select the Services application from the start menu.

Locate each of the Nuix services to verify that they are installed. Some services may not be running.

Before using Nuix Neo, proceed to the Post installation configurations section to complete final configurations.