Perform an upgrade

As newer versions of Nuix Neo are made available, Nuix provides support to upgrade to the latest version rather than performing a new installation each time. Use the information in this section to upgrade an existing installation to the latest release.

Supported upgrade paths:

Installed version

Upgrade to…




Only v9.10.x installations can be upgraded to Nuix Neo.


Nuix Neo (any version)

MariaDB to PostgreSQL data migration required.

Nuix Neo (any version)

Nuix Neo (any version)

Direct upgrade.


The upgrade process includes the following steps:

Prepare: Capture a snapshot of existing configuration settings, make backups, and uninstall Nuix services from v9.10.x based installations if necessary.

Upgrade: Run the installers that are required based on your upgrade path.

Configure: Perform the following configuration steps based on your upgrade path.

Apply the configuration snapshot to restore previous settings.

Migrate database data (v9.10.x only).