Install Nuix Neo on Linux
The following components can be installed using the Nuix Neo web applications installer:
Nuix Investigate: Allows web-based access to Nuix cases. Designed specifically for forensic investigators and subject matter experts, it provides the tools to help search, analyze, and tag case data, all from the web.
Nuix Gateway: Provides external access to Nuix services. All Nuix services operate behind the Gateway.
Nuix Registration: Monitors the status of all installed Nuix Neo services.
Nuix Configuration Utility: Administrative interface for configuring and managing application properties.
By default, the wizard installs all required components together on the same host. However, if your environment requires a different configuration, components can be installed separately on different hosts. Additional information about this type of configuration is included in the following procedure.
Before you begin:
The Nuix Neo shared services must be installed before proceeding, however, the shared services installer currently does not support Linux installations. To use Nuix Neo in a Linux environment, Keycloak and PostgreSQL must be installed independently and can then be configured using the steps within the Nuix Neo shared services section of this guide. See the Nuix Neo Software requirements for supported versions.