Install shared services

Note: The shared services installer is the first step for installing Nuix Neo. If upgrading from an earlier version, see the section titled Perform an upgrade for more information.

The following two components are installed using the Nuix Neo shared services installer:

PostgreSQL: An open source relational database management system used to manage and protect the integrity of data that is processed by Nuix Neo.

Important: PostgreSQL is a prerequisite and must be installed before all other Nuix Neo services.

Keycloak: An open source identity and access management platform that supports the different authentication protocols used by Nuix Neo. All Nuix Neo services require Keycloak to be running at startup.

By default, the wizard installs all required components together on the same host. However, if your environment requires a different configuration, components can be installed separately on different hosts. Additional information about this type of configuration is included in the following procedure.

Before you begin:

The Nuix Neo shared services installer currently only supports Windows installations. If installing in a Linux environment, Keycloak and PostgreSQL must be installed independently and can then be configured using the steps within this section. See the Nuix Neo Software requirements for supported versions.

To install Nuix Neo shared services:

Download the nuix-shared-services-windows installer from the Nuix Customer Portal.

Browse to the download location and double click on the shared services installation file.

Choose a language and click OK to continue.

On the Welcome screen, click Next to begin the installation.

If performing a new installation, choose a destination directory to install Nuix shared services.

Click Next to accept the default location and proceed.

Alternatively, click Browse to choose a specific location to install the shared services.

On the Select Components screen, choose which of the following components to install and then click Next.



By default, the installer selects all components that are required to run Nuix Neo on a single host.

Note: To install the required components on separate hosts, run the shared services installer on each computer with only those components selected. If choosing this method of installation, Nuix Postgres must be installed prior to Nuix Keycloak. All components must be installed and configured prior to running Nuix Neo.

If the installer detects a previously installed version of any of the required components during an upgrade, the option to select or deselect those components is disabled by default, and they will be upgraded automatically to the version included with the installer.

PostgreSQL server configuration

On the Postgres Configure Server screen, provide details for the following fields:




Port used to access PostgreSQL. Default port: 5432

Listen Addresses

Network binding address. To specify multiple addresses, separate each value with a comma. Use to bind to all network interfaces.

To restrict PostgreSQL access to specific hosts, the following examples may be used: - Localhost only - Hosts in the domain can connect. - Hosts with IP addresses 192.168.93.x can connect.


Enter a value to use as the initial user. Default: nuix


Enter and confirm a password for the initial user.
Note: Preserve these credentials

Enable Remote Connections

Select this option to allow the specified user to connect to PostgreSQL from a remote location.

Note: This option should be enabled if Nuix shared services and web applications are installed on different hosts.

Click Next to continue.

Keycloak Host configuration

On the Keycloak Configure Host screen, provide details for the following fields:




HTTP port used to access Keycloak. Default port: 8080


HTTPS port used to access Keycloak. Default port: 8443

Enable HTTP

Select this option to enable HTTP access.

Note: This option is enabled by default but should be disabled in production environments for security.

Skip TLS configuration

Select this option to skip TLS configuration during the initial installation.

Note: Configuring TLS at this time will store the certificate and key files unencrypted locally on the file system where Keycloak is installed.

To configure TLS at a later time or using a more secure method, see Configuring TLS security for additional information.

Certificate (PEM)

Specify the path to a valid PEM based certificate file for TLS security.

Private Key (PEM

Specify the path to a valid PEM based private key file for TLS security.

Click Next to continue.

On the Configure Datasource screen, enter the details for your PostgreSQL installation:




Address of the host where the Nuix PostgreSQL service is installed.


Port used to access PostgreSQL. Default port: 5432


Username specified during initial installation of Nuix PostgreSQL.
Default: nuix


Password specified during initial installation of Nuix PostgreSQL.

Click Next and then Finish to exit the wizard.

The Nuix-Keycloak and Nuix-postgres Windows services are now installed and running. To use these services with Nuix Neo, proceed to the following sections to begin the configuration process.